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Gum Grafting or Laser Treatment: Which Is Right for My Gum Recession?

Gum Grafting or Laser Treatment: Which Is Right for My Gum Recession?

Gums usually don’t get much attention. After all, we don’t use them to chew, and we typically focus on our pearly whites when we smile. However, our gums play a crucial role in our tooth stability and oral health. 

This important soft tissue covers the bones in your mouth, such as your jaw, and forms a tight seal around your teeth. When healthy, your gums help keep your teeth securely in place and provide a protective barrier against bacteria. 

Unfortunately, certain things can put your gums at risk, including gum disease. Your gums can start receding around a tooth when this occurs, leaving the tooth root exposed. Without treatment, recession can worsen, leading to a variety of problems, including:

At Gulf Coast Periodontics & Implants in Gulfport, Mississippi, Dr. Caesar Sweidan, offers two effective treatments for gum recession that work in very different ways: laser treatment and gum grafting.

How laser treatment works

Dr. Sweidan performs laser treatment with the LANAP® system. This treatment is one of the most successful protocols available for gum disease, because it’s highly targeted and doesn’t damage healthy gum tissue.

During your treatment, Dr. Sweidan uses this laser technology to access and remove gum inflammation around your tooth root. He can also use the system to eliminate any plaque and tartar buildup around and below your gumline.

Finally, Dr. Sweidan removes any rough spots on your tooth, both above and below the gumline, which could attract bacteria in the future.

This cutting-edge approach leaves your gums infection-free and causes them to tighten back up around your tooth as new cells regenerate in the area during healing. And it comes with little downtime.

How gum grafting works

Gum grafting involves taking tissue from another part of your mouth — such as the roof — and attaching it to the problem area with sutures. 

While this sounds involved, it’s usually quite quick and only requires a local anesthetic. However, during the first week or two of recovery, you have to take certain precautions to protect the graft. For example, you may need to eat soft, cold foods and avoid those that could burn or irritate the area.

Gum grafting comes with few risks and complications, and you should recover completely within two weeks.

Laser treatment vs. gum grafting

As you can see, these procedures address receding gums in very different ways. 

Whenever possible, Dr. Sweidan recommends laser treatment to correct gum recession because of its numerous benefits, such as:

However, grafting could be a better solution if you have a more severe case of gum recession.

Fortunately, you don’t have to decide on your own. Dr. Sweidan can perform a comprehensive exam to assess your gum recession and offer the most effective treatment strategy based on your unique needs.

To learn more about gum recession or to get treatment, call 228-868-9615 to schedule an appointment with Gulf Coast Periodontics & Implants today.

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